Animal Info - Red Panda(Other Names: Bear-cat, Bright Panda, Cat-bear, Common Panda, Fire Fox, Lesser Panda, Nigalya Ponya, Panda Chico, Panda Éclatant, Panda Rojo, Petit Panda, Poonya, Red Cat-bear, Sankam, Thokya, Wah, Wokdonka, Woker, Ye)Ailurus fulgensStatus: EndangeredContents1. Profile (Picture) ProfilePictures: Red Panda #1 (11 Kb JPEG) and Red Panda #2 (67 Kb GIF) (Czech Web Site); Red Panda #3 (36 Kb JPEG); Red Panda #4 (50 Kb JPEG) The red panda (which is much smaller than the giant panda) resembles a raccoon in size and appearance. The red panda weighs 3 - 6 kg (7 - 13 lb). It lives in mountain forests with a bamboo understory, at altitudes generally between 1500 and 4800 m (5000 - 15,700'). Red pandas almost exclusively eat bamboo. They are good tree climbers and spend most of their time in trees when not foraging. A female red panda picks a location such as a tree hollow or rock crevice for a maternal den, where she will bear 1 - 5 young. Red pandas are solitary, except for the mating period and the time when a mother and its young are together. The red panda is found in a mountainous band from Nepal through northeastern India and Bhutan and into China, Laos and northern Myanmar. It is rare and continues to decline. It has already become extinct in 4 of the 7 Chinese provinces in which it was previously found. The major threats to red pandas are loss and fragmentation of habitat due to deforestation (and the resulting loss of bamboo) for timber, fuel and agricultural land; poaching for the pet and fur trades; and competition from domestic livestock. Tidbits*** The first known written record of the red panda occurs in a 13th-century Chou dynasty scroll. It was introduced to Europeans by Thomas Hardwicke in 1821 (48 years before the giant panda was reported in the West). He called it "Wah" after the sound of its loud call. He also mentioned a local name, "poonya," which was eventually anglicized to "panda." (Roberts 1992a) *** "There are few of the Mammalia which are decorated with such refulgently beautiful fur as that which decks the body of the Panda, also called the Chitwa or Wah in its native Nepal. .. It .. does not seem to occur in sufficient numbers to render its beautiful fur an object of commercial value." (Wood 1860) *** "Quite a lot of those beautiful animals, the red panda, come from Nepal each year to Calcutta for export to foreign zoos... they are a favorite pet of India's Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru." (Gee 1964) *** A female red panda can eat approximately 200,000 bamboo leaves in one day. (Reid et al. 1991) *** The red panda’s diet specialization is very unusual in mammals. Only a handful of animals are predominantly dependent on bamboo, including the giant panda, bamboo lemurs (golden bamboo lemur, greater bamboo lemur and bamboo lemur (Hapalemur griseus)) found in Madagascar, and bamboo rats (including Rhizomys sinensis, R. pruinosus, and R. sumatrensis) found in China and Southeast Asia. (Roberts 1992) Status and TrendsIUCN Status:Countries Where the Red Panda Is Currently Found:2004: Occurs in Bhutan, China, India, Laos, Myanmar and Nepal. (IUCN 2004) Population Estimates:
History of Distribution:The red panda is found in the Himalayas, as well as in other high mountains of northern Myanmar and western Sichuan and Yunnan Provinces, China. Its confirmed westernmost range seems to be the Namlung Valley in Mugu District and the Lake Rara region of northwestern Nepal. The southern limit is the Liakiang Range of western Yunnan, China and the northern and eastern limit is the upper Min Valley of western Sichuan, China. (Roberts 1992) There are two subspecies of the red panda. The range of Ailurus fulgens fulgens extends from Nepal through northeastern India (West Bengal, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh), Bhutan and into China (Bahuguna et al. 1998). A.f. styani is only found in China, in the areas of the Hengduan Mountains in Sichuan and the East Nujiang River of Yunnan Province (Wei et al. 1998), and in northern Myanmar (Roberts 1998). The red panda was previously distributed in China over a larger area than today, including western Sichuan and Yunnan, southern Shanxi and Gansu, northern Guizhou, and the southwest of Tibet and Qinghai Provinces. However, it has become extinct in Shanxi, Gansu, Qinghai and Guizhou Provinces and its range is now confined to Sichuan, Yunnan, and Tibet. The probable area of red panda habitat in China is approximately 37,000 sq km (14,000 sq mi). (Wei et al. 1998) The extent of occurrence of the red panda in India is about 170,000 sq km (65,000 sq mi), although its area of occupancy within this may only be about 25,000 sq km (9600 sq mi). (Choudhury 2001) There is increasing evidence that the red panda is rare and patchily distributed and is continuing to decline. Red Panda Distribution Map (55 Kb JPEG) (AZA Small Carn. TAG) Threats and Reasons for Decline:The major threats confronting red pandas are loss and fragmentation of habitat due to deforestation (and the resulting loss of bamboo understory) for timber, fuel (including for tourism) and agricultural land; poaching for the pet and fur trades; and competition from domestic livestock (resulting in habitat degradation). The relative importance of these different factors varies between different regions in the red panda's range and is not well understood (Glatston 1994). The fur of red pandas is used to make hats and clothing by local people in China. The fur hat with its long, luxurious tail at the back looks beautiful and warm. In Yunnan Province, this type of hat is still desired by newlyweds, because it was regarded as a talisman for a happy marriage in the past. (Wei et al. 1998) Data on Biology and EcologySize and Weight:
Age to Maturity:
Gestation Period:
Birth Season:
Birth Rate:
Early Development:
Maximum Reproductive Age:
Maximum Age:
Energy and Metabolism:
Social Organization:
Age and Gender Distribution:
Mortality and Survival:
Density and Range:
ReferencesAZA Small Carn. TAG, Bahuguna et al. 1998, Burnie & Wilson 2001, Choudhury 2001, Cons. Intl., Czech Web Site, Fox et al. 1996, Gee 1964, Glatston 1994, IUCN 1994, IUCN 1996, IUCN 2000, IUCN 2003a, IUCN 2004, Nowak 1999, Olson & Dinerstein 1998, Olson & Dinerstein 1999, Pradhan 1999, Rabinowitz 1998, Reid et al. 1991, Roberts 1992, Roberts 1992a, Roberts 1998, Schaller 1993, Schaller et al. 1985, Wei et al. 1998, Wei et al. 1999, Wood 1860 Top of Page | Search This Site Home | Rarest Mammals | Species Index | Species Groups Index | Country Index | Links Last modified: April 17, 2006; |
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